Saturday, August 8, 2009

I am afraid, very afraid

I am so afraid of what is happening with our country...I had so hoped that my grandchildren could experience what I have. To know the true meaning of being an AMERICAN.

I worry what will happen to my generation when we are targeted for genocide. This is not a genocide by race or religion, it is a genocide of aged people. Americans that have worked hard all their lives and only want to enjoy the few years they have left with family and friends.

I don't want to go to mandatory meetings to tell me how to end my life...if I wanted to do that, I would. I don't need anyone else telling me I need to do it.

I am afraid that if we as a generation, do not speak up now, we will forever be forgotten, thrown to the wolves.

I am not a swatstika carrying astroturf mob member, I am just little ole me wanting to scream to the top of my lungs on the roof of the house to tell everyone to listen and read what is coming.

I fear for my children, for my grandchildren and for generations of children to come. I fear that they will never know the true America...what Americans stood for, what our forefathers wanted for this great country.

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